Proposing JBIC to provide capital support for key electricity projects in Vietnam

According to information from the Asia-Africa Market Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade), Mr. Dang Hoang An Deputy Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) had a meeting with Mr. Tanimoto Masayuki – Managing Director, and Director of Global Finance of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). At the meeting, MOIT Deputy Minister proposed […]

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Stopping to consider SPPs under FIT mechanism

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has just issued Document No. 9608/BCT-DL, dated December 16, 2019, to the People’s Committees of the provinces and cities directly under the Central Government and the Electricity of Vietnam, on stopping proposals and agreements for solar power projects (SPPs) under Feed in Tariff (FIT) mechanism. According to the […]

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Việt Nam Energy Outlook Report 2019 announced

Wind turbines at a wind power project in the central province of Quảng Trị’s mountainous district of Hướng Hóa. As of October 2019, Quảng Trị is home to 68 wind power projects with total capacity of more than 3,600 MW. — VNA/VNS Photo Nguyên Lý HÀ NỘI — The Việt Nam Energy Outlook Report 2019 […]

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Vietnam seeks investment in energy market

As one of the most efficient power markets in Southeast Asia, Vietnam has huge prospects, especially in renewable energy, experts have said. There is need for investment in Vietnam in production, export capacities and upgrading of infrastructure, Phan The Anh, deputy general director of the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s southern affairs, said. The Government […]

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イベントは岡山県の230,000 kWの大規模なソーラーファームの完了をマーク

 One of the largest solar power plants in the country has been built in Okayama Prefecture in a project joined by a unit of General Electric Co., with a ceremony held Friday to mark its completion. The facility, made up of about 900,000 solar panels installed on roughly 260 hectares of land formerly used as […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec egestas blandit sapien, in efficitur leo posuere in. Nulla facilisi. Donec non sem rutrum, venenatis sem eget, dictum metus. Sed sed ex nec elit interdum tempor. Sed lacus nulla, luctus at lobortis eget, tempus quis risus. Ut facilisis quam eget ex laoreet, ac congue sem bibendum. […]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in eleifend nunc. Etiam fringilla erat eget molestie scelerisque. Nullam lobortis justo lorem, non faucibus dolor molestie sit amet. Donec nec sapien non nisl dictum pulvinar ac sed metus. Pellentesque cursus ligula nec mauris ultricies, sed tincidunt sem bibendum. Morbi condimentum ipsum in ligula egestas lacinia. […]

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Growth of Clean Energy Part of Solution, Not a Problem

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vitae orci sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam eu elit nisi. Donec luctus ligula vel nisi pellentesque, vitae posuere sem commodo. Suspendisse vel lobortis ante, lacinia porta lectus. Pellentesque finibus dictum massa ornare pharetra. Curabitur laoreet ac […]

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